Python Installation Checking:
As python is most widely used language so before installing python in PC you must check if the PC has already python or not.
To check python installation, type the below command in command prompt in windows.
C:\Users>python --version
Python 3.7.4
If you want to check in Linux or Mac.
Python – version
Python Execution:
Python is interpreted programming language, as a developer write code in note pad and save file with extension of .py (dot py), and then put those file into the python interpreter and execute like below.
Here is the file name.
The file contains below code.
print ("Welcome to python programming")
Hi! welcome to python programming
If you type exit() then the terminal will be closed.
If the python not installed in your PC get the windows installer from the source
Download here
Python Environment Setup:
Python installation on Windows: Python is available freely on the Download here and choose suitable downloaded version for your system.
For windows there is an windows installer (.exe file) choose that click on download.
By double click run the downloaded file and you will get the below screen.
Then check the “Add Python 3.7 to Path” it is mandatory otherwise we need to configure it manually.
If you select Customized option, then the screen looks like below select what you want and click on Next
Select the features what you want to install and click on Install.
The python setup will installed and it shows in progress.
To check whether it is installed on your system, go to command prompt and type “Python” like below.
Installation in Linux:
Follow the below commands in your environment.
First confirm python is available in your Linux machine by using the below command
$python –version
If python is available, it shows version details otherwise it says not found then follow below steps to install
$sudo apt-get install python3.7